Things are getting messy – Bankers and Politicians unite.

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Since my last post, the middle-east has got a little more messy. Russian military are now helping the Assad regime (Read: – the Syrian Government) to fight the numerous factions now trying to overthrow Basher Al-Assad – some supported by the U.S.

The U.S. media machine has come out in full force against this support by Putin’s military, as can be seen in this video.

But, with the “accident” of 1st November, when the Russian aircraft fell from Egyptian skies, maybe a new chapter in this messy situation has begun.

There are those who believe the inevitable result of the investigation will be that the plane was brought down by an organisation hostile to Russia’s involvement in the middle-east and Syria’s government.

Now, of the actors in the middle-east – Iran, Saudi-Arabia, the U.S., Islamic State (ISIL/IS), Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, and the other militants such as the Free Syrian Army (FSA), who would gain most?

A spokesperson for the Egyptians has already dismissed the notion of an Islamic group based in Egypt being involved, but given that the democratically elected Egyptian Islamic President was removed from office, by military forces, is that outside the bounds of possibility?

If we know anything about the Banking Cabal, we know that politicians, need money to pay for wars for political ends, and Bankers don’t really care why they need it, as long as there’s a profit in it, and we increasingly have currencies that can be just “magicked up” out of thin air, making political intervention, that much easier and that much more profitable for the Bankers.

There are those who feel the end result of all this meddling, will inevitably lead to WWIII, and some even, that it has already started – as can be seen in the you-tube videos above and below. (published in May and October 2015) And even that a third world war, has been pre-ordained ever since 1871, when Albert Pike allegedly wrote a letter to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871, in which he outlined his thoughts.

(though claims it was in the British Museum have not been verified – see the comments on this page: )

But the result of all this political meddling, is seen in increasingly larger distortions in financial markets, and resource wars can lead to hot wars, and hyper-inflation, which if you remember your history, was the fuel that Hitler needed to begin his military build up in the 1930s.

Mike Maloney who has monitored the financial system in the U.S. since the early 2000s, published a recent video to show how these political decisions are only making things worse as a result of FED manipulations as evidenced here.

We have to assume therefore, that this is either naiveté, ignorance, ineptitude, OR we must assume, that these decisions are for their own political agenda. Any other assumption is outside the bounds of possibility.

And America’s involvement in the middle-east, has been less than successful – if you judge success by nations working together to solve problems, but what IS the problem?
Answer: Resources.. and control of them. In other words. Oil! (and Gas.)

Which suggests that the world is quickly teetering towards the financial reset that would eliminate the bankers and this debt and release the Central Banks to raise rates without causing a global downturn of 1930 proportions.

But the rising stars in the world’s economy, also want a bigger say in affairs – see this:

On a different, but related note, Bix Weir suggests that the recent Glencore price fall is due largely to these financial manipulations and here you can hear his thoughts on what might happen as a result.

And as is mentioned in the video, one of the people accused of financial crime, was finally pardoned by Bill Clinton, just before he left office, and who went on to found Glencore.

Lastly, Bloomberg on 3rd Nov, 2015, released by Julie Hyman, said lower U.S. factory order numbers were down 1%, slightly worse than expectations of 0.9% which would suggest, that all this additional debt being produced around the world is still unable to stifle the larger demographic trend I have often spoke about leading to lower global demand.

And that is just one of the reasons you need to buy silver, gold and crypto-currencies. If you want other reasons, here’s, Alasdair Macleod to explain why…


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