The Collapse (and Renaissance?) of the West – Part 2

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Death by a Thousand Cuts?Threat-Image

To read the background to this piece (Part 1) go here…

The History of Islam, is the history of strife in and around the middle-east and Mediterranean Sea. Wherever Islam, has butted up against other religions, and cultures, there has been war, battles and strife.

In recent years, in the 1990s the war in the former Yugoslavia, was caused largely due to the influence of the U.S., which encouraged and provoked unrest, to bring the Socialist Republic, into the western sphere of influence, as Slovenia in the North, and Croatia in the North West seceded from the state that General Josip Tito had unified during the 1940s, at the end of the Second World War.. And of course if you remember, your history, the first World War was started in that region, when a Bosnian Serb called Gavrilo Princip killed Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo, Bosnia.

But what few in the News media tell you, is that in Albania which sits alongside the former Yugoslavia, (and Kosovo) the majority of the population are Muslims – roughly 55% in Albania. The other Balkan States are a mixture of Slavs – Catholics originally from Northern Europe, and Greek Orthodox.

After the war began, those ethnic Serbians began ethnically cleansing Muslim Kosovans in the Moldovan region. – when 8,000 were killed in a genocide – remember Srebrenica? But, although Albania, has applied to join the EU., it is the poorest country in Europe, and if it IS granted membership, we are likely to see a tide of people leaving to find work elsewhere in the EU.

So, what does this have to do with today?

The wars in Libya, Iraq and Syria, to overthrow those hard-liners in power, is according to some, because those nations challenged the American dominated International Financial System, because these nations refused to have a Central Bank controlled by the Rothschild controlled IMF. In Iraq’s case, Sadam Hussein, began to sell oil for Euros. While, in 1998, it’s Saudi neighbours were obliged to sell their oil in Dollars, When Sadam Hussein fell, one of the first things to change was the oil price – back to dollars…

The Saudis, have a long-standing agreement – probably more like a veiled threat – that the U.S. would defend the Saudi Kingdom, from all threats as long as the House of Saud sold its oil in dollars, – and as we know back in 1974, when the agreement was negotiated between Henry Kissinger, and the Saudi ruler – that potential threat, was the Soviets, who were considered the biggest threat.

Libya too, threatened the dollar hegemony, when Muammar al-Qadaffi, began to build a consensus for a golden Dinar, of known size and weight, to be used in trade throughout Northern Africa. The Gold which he had traded oil for, has of course, mysteriously disappeared from the nation’s coffers in the aftermath of that revolution.

Syria’s Basher al-Assad, also judged a threat to western efforts, is also allied with the Russians, who have long had a naval base on the Syrian Mediterranean coast, and as we saw recently, Russia supported the President, to fight the CIA backed IS, who were encouraged to push for a new caliphate. But in reality, this was to scupper the deal between Assad, and Iran to pipe Iranian Gas from the Persian Gulf, where a huge gas field, has long been known about. Whereas, the Americans would prefer if Saudi and American oil interests exploited that gas and piped it to Europe.

But the oil wealth and the rising religious fervour in that part of the region, has been cause for a “Hijra” to be called.

The word Hijra (emigration) relates back to 622, when Mohammad and his followers migrated from Mecca to Yathrib (now Medina) and the 5+ million Syrians, Libyans, Somalis. Eritraens and other African nationals, that have faced the vagaries of the Mediterranean Sea in small boats and inflatables seem to think, that Europe in general, and Britain in particular is their future, but how many of them, are not Asylum Seekers, not refugees, but perhaps bear a cultural hatred borne of their religious texts, or teachings. It has been both a push from Islamic Nations, and a pull from Western European nations with birth-rates falling and so low that even the current population levels in Europe couldn’t be maintained. The objective of the emigration by the clerics is clear to make Europe an Islamic continent, and eventually the world.

Britain faces a unique position, because if your first language is not English, your second language, usually is… And that goes for 70% of the world’s population. And between China, and the Atlantic Ocean, just India, and Britain speak English widely.

With Muslim families typically having four or more children, and under Sharia Law, upto four wives, those European nations with large immigrant populations, will by 2050 have a huge and quickly rising Islamic population. The economic consequences of such a large contingent, demanding Sharia law, will if allowed, cause a major headache for Western Economies – even to the point of economic collapse.

How so? I hear you ask…

The Islamic faith is not just a faith, but a political philosophy too, and the consequences of such are not often discussed.

If you like your Traditional English Breakfast, with its Pork Sausages, and English or Danish Bacon, what will you do when Pork Farming is outlawed? Where will those few producers of Pork Dripping, Lard, and other Charcuterie producers find their income? Where will you go to dine, and have a glass or two of wine when alcohol is no longer permitted? What will happen to the few British Pubs that remain, when they too close for lack of demand or by religious diktat? And the Breweries that supply them?

Where will we go for summer holidays, when women are denied the chance to travel alone, And where will you women, wear revealing bathing costumes – bikinis, lingerie, or provocative clothing? What will happen to the fashion industry as restrictive dress codes challenge modern fashion elements, and what will publishers do when fashion magazines and designers are no longer needed? Where too those workers of publishing houses, whose purchasers of the likes of Razzle, Cosmopolitan, and Hello, are restricted in what they can publish, and advertise?

Where too will women work, if they are restricted from studying, and who will employ them, when/if they are so poorly educated, they lack sufficient skills except to pour coffee, and what will happen to the ham-burger suppliers and the chains of stores that cook them? Or if the Saudi interpretation that restricts women from even driving without a male chaperone? And what will women do, if the rape of a woman, requires four witnesses before it would be proved? While the punishment for such – unless proved – is “stoning”, or beheading of the woman!

As a recent video showed, on, young women of 18 and below being auctioned on the streets of London, by men wearing Arab Islamic dress, with arguments by Islamic preachers suggesting that taking a wife as young as one is within the teaching of Islam, and is acceptable, what does that say about how women are valued in society?

The economic consequences of having 50% of the population set-back more than 100 years, and essentially being restricted to the hearth and home once more by a patriarchal society is dire. Women’s rights would be set back a century. Who will staff the hospitals, nursing homes, and hotels – presupposing anyone would want to visit a nation that supported such hard-line policies. Who will work as P.A.’s to senior executives in the few corporations of any significance? What will those female aspirants to parliament do, when they are not allowed to engage in public life? Where will the future Margaret Thatchers, Theresa Mays, and Barbara Castles of these islands come from?

The western economies, with their liberties, which were hard won over many centuries, needs to beware of the Trojan Horse within, and to allow liberties to be set back, by a Liberal elite who have tolerated two classes of citizens to live in these nations is remiss at the least – those who follow, abide and vote for the policies, that our western societies believe in, are tolerant, while the other class, who use that tolerance to restrict those who live within their strictly enforced religious enclaves, are Fascistic. This, as other you-tube videos shows, non-muslims are being chased by physical presence from the streets where large Islamic populations live, and where there are protests against this, frequently this results in physical and emotional abuse, particularly of women, by young Islamic males.

If we do not address this growing division, by strongly enforcing the laws (and liberties) of the land, the consequences will be as stated – dire. As multi-culturism has been forced on a largely unsuspecting population, there are those segments of world society, that still insist – “There is only one way, and that way is theirs.”

But, what is also concerning, is that many followers of Islam, believe that non-muslims are second-class individuals. These hard-liners follow the strict interpretation of the Qu’ran. These are the people whose dress code and behaviour, are a throw-back to the 7th century, which is, and will be a source of division, and eventually war if we do not confront these sterotypes.

A photograph of a woman ballerina – posted by Alicia Keys on her twitter account – wearing a Burka, with her bare leg thrust forward provocatively, promoting equality, received short shrift from many Muslim women, who are forced by their patriarchal overlords to wear the garment.


Will this be a feminist issue? At the moment, those on the left seem more concerned with religious equality, rather than gender equality. If people do not awaken from this slumber, and this naiveté, there will come a day, when the realisation dawns, they were wrong, and that will be their new shocking reality.

So, in conclusion, will the imposition of Sharia Law , or even large populations of Muslims in the nation cause economic dislocation and collapse hinted at in the title?

Even the technological revolution waiting in the wings of Artificial Intelligence, and 3D technology – 3D printing, and 3D video and Image projection through holographic systems becoming commonplace, will perhaps not create sufficient new wealth and new jobs to support the rising number of people with little or nothing to contribute, save their muscle, and/or religious fervour.

And the rising demands on the Social Security budget, will cause the population to question who, what when and where social security is given.


One thought on “The Collapse (and Renaissance?) of the West – Part 2

    […] This piece is in Two Parts – Part Two is Here […]


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